The best school for teaching foreign languages will be awarded the Presidential Prize

    Education 10 April 2022 1692

    The school that won the competition "The best school for teaching foreign languages" will receive a monetary reward in the amount of 500 million soums.

    Gulisora Ergasheva, the head of the information service of the Agency for the Popularization of Foreign Language Learning, said this at a briefing at the IMC.

    In accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for holding the competition "The Best School for teaching foreign languages" for the President's Award, the competition is held annually among schools with foreign language teaching, such as English, German, French.

    The national team of the school that has expressed a desire to participate in the competition is registered annually until September 20 in the information system of the Ministry of Public Education.

    The registered school enters the established basic indicators of foreign language teaching into the information system until October 20. Only one team from each school can participate in one language.

    The team will consist of five students in grades 7-8-9. The competition is held in three stages:

    • Stage I (district) - annually in February. The level of foreign language proficiency of participants is checked using test tasks;
    • Stage II (regional) - annually in April. At this stage, the participants' listening comprehension, writing, reading and lexical and grammatical skills are evaluated.
    • The III republican stage is held annually in August.