Pedagogical classes are organized in schools of Uzbekistan

    Education 30 April 2024 1931

    Resolution No. 242 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 04/29/2024 "On measures to prepare students of secondary educational institutions for the teaching profession and to ensure the employment of graduates" was adopted.

    Starting from the 2024/2025 academic year, classes will be organized as an experiment to prepare students in grades 10-11 for the teaching profession in one general secondary educational institution in Karakalpakstan, Tashkent and in each region.

    In the process of organizing classes in pedagogy, schools will be assisted by relevant higher pedagogical educational institutions operating in the regions.

    It is planned to develop a special training program for pedagogical classes, taking into account foreign experience.

    Graduates who have completed pedagogical courses are issued a certificate and a certificate of the state standard, giving the right to work as an assistant teacher in preschool educational institutions.

    Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami coordinates the activities of schools with pedagogical classes and pedagogical universities attached to them and provides them with methodological support.

    The document approved the Regulation on the procedure for organizing pedagogical classes and ensuring the employment of graduates in general education institutions. It provides for:

    • the order of organization of pedagogical classes;
    • cooperation between pedagogical universities and schools;
    • granting the right to work in the relevant profession to graduates of pedagogical classes.

    The document was published in the National Database of Legislation in the state language and entered into force on 04/29/2024, Norma reports.