A marathon of limitless possibilities

    Sports 28 March 2022 1596

    On March 27, in Tashkent, in order to involve people with disabilities in sports and strengthen their health, the Ministry of Justice, together with the Athletics Federation of Uzbekistan, organized a Marathon of Limitless Possibilities within the framework of the social project "Biz Birgamiz!" ("We are together!").

    About a hundred people with disabilities participated in the marathon. Their list is formed from the number of candidates proposed by the disabled, blind and deaf societies of Uzbekistan.

    This is the first marathon of its kind in Uzbekistan with special nominations for people with disabilities.

    Marathon participants competed in three categories - people with hearing disabilities, blind and visually impaired, people with limited mobility and other types of disabilities. Three winners were determined in each of the categories, and participants in the nominations "The youngest participant" and "The oldest participant" were awarded.

    The Marathon of Limitless possibilities was held jointly with the SCO International Half Marathon and the Tashkent marathon "Nowruz". If the participants of these marathons paid contributions of an average of 50-150 soums, then persons with disabilities received free slots for participation.

    In addition, all participants will be awarded with commemorative medals specially prepared for the event.

    Also, as part of the campaign "Biz birgamiz!" ("We are together!"), a charity fair of products made by people with disabilities was organized, during which they were able to sell various souvenirs and other handmade products. The charity fair is the first charity event held within the framework of the social project "Biz Birgamiz!" ("We are together!").

    It should be noted that in the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 13, 2018 "On organizational measures to further improve the activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan", among the main tasks of the Ministry of Justice, the implementation of state policy in the field of development of non-governmental non-profit organizations, assistance in organizing their interaction with state bodies and organizations is defined.

    In accordance with this, the Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Society of Disabled People of Uzbekistan, is implementing a social project "Biz Birgamiz!" ("We are together!") aimed at targeted work with persons with disabilities, providing them with all possible assistance, as well as further support for the activities of non-governmental non-profit organizations.

    Within the framework of the project, the Ministry of Justice is currently conducting the following major social events:

    • republican fair of goods made by people with disabilities;
    • drawing contest "The World of charming colors";
    • republican chess tournament among people with disabilities.