Interparliamentary relations between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were discussed

    Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan Tanzila Narbayeva met with a remarkable representative of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Tajikistan Mavsuma Muini within the framework of the Asian Women's Forum.

    During the meeting, the parties stressed that as a result of the friendly and sincere nature of cooperation between the two countries, many areas are developing, in particular, inter-parliamentary relations have reached a new level.

    Mavsuma Muini also stressed the importance and role of the Asian Women's Forum in the world community, which was organized for the first time on the initiative of Uzbekistan, and expressed hope that the issues discussed during the forum would become a guide to action for all States in developing effective solutions.

    In addition, the parties paid attention to the development of cultural cooperation based on the similarity of traditions and customs of the two peoples. It was emphasized that this, in turn, would become an important means of further rapprochement between the Uzbek and Tajik peoples.