Advertising on cultural heritage sites is prohibited

    Culture & Arts 31 May 2022 1546

    Business in Uzbekistan is developing rapidly today. The number of advertisers is also growing, unfortunately, among them there are those who strive to show their ads in places that are quite original. Often, objects that are the historical memory of the people fall into the circle of their interests.

    According to the Consumer Protection Agency, in order to save historical objects, there is Article 20 in the Law "On Advertising", which prohibits the placement of outdoor advertising on objects of material cultural heritage and a number of other objects, in order to preserve historical monuments that have been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of centuries.

    Also, according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Regulation of the outdoor advertising market" No. 104 dated February 20, 2020, objects of cultural and historical significance are included in the advertising-free zone, and the construction of objects (structures) of outdoor advertising at a distance of 50 meters or less from these zones is not allowed.

    However, the results of the study of the Consumer Protection Agency under the AMC of the Republic of Uzbekistan revealed violations. The Agency conducted studies on the placement of outdoor advertising on 386 objects of material and cultural heritage throughout the republic. According to the results, more than 25 cases of unauthorized hanging of advertisements on historical sites have been identified.

    It is important to note that the identified offenses were soon eliminated.

    The Agency, based on the results of the study, sent warning letters to subjects and entrepreneurs who violated the law and provided appropriate explanations on the procedure for installing outdoor advertising.

    It is important to remember that damage to the material cultural heritage is not allowed. If you have witnessed such an offense, you can report it by calling the short number 1159 or via the bexato_reklama telegram bot to the Agency for Consumer Protection under the AMC of the Republic of Uzbekistan.