Conservation of ecology and biodiversity is an important area of cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and the EU

    Environment 18 November 2022 1008

    In his speech at the Ministerial Meeting "European Union - Central Asia", the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Vladimir Norov focused on the importance of strengthening interregional cooperation in the field of environmental protection.

    Information is provided on the work carried out in the country to preserve ecology and biodiversity, including within the framework of the National project "Yashil Makon", the Strategy for the transition to a "green" economy for the period up to 2030 and the Program for the development of renewable and hydrogen energy until 2030.

    The attention of the participants of the event was also drawn to the efforts being made to mitigate the effects of the drying of the Aral Sea. Overcoming the consequences of an environmental catastrophe and mitigating the negative effects of climate change in Central Asia require the consolidation of joint efforts. In this context, the Uzbek Foreign Minister noted the contribution of the European Union to the activities of the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Human Security for the Aral Sea region.

    V.Norov called on the EU to actively engage in the implementation of the "Green Agenda for Central Asia" program adopted at the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of Central Asian States in July this year. In particular, the broad introduction of eco-innovations, energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies, digitalization of economic sectors, development of "smart" agriculture with the help of the European network "Smart-AKIS", capacity building of renewable energy sources are indicated as promising areas for cooperation.

    The delegations were invited to the first Aral Sea International Forum, held jointly with the United Nations next year in Nukus to implement a special resolution of the UN General Assembly "On declaring the Aral Sea region a zone of environmental innovation and technology," the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan reports.