Uzbekistan will be represented at the meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

    Events 25 February 2022 1357

    Uzbekistan will be represented at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which will be held on February 26-27 in Dubai (UAE).

    At the invitation of the Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Martin Chungong, the First Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, Director of the National Center for Human Rights Akmal Saidov, who is the Vice-President of the IPU, will take part in the meeting.

    Issues related to the agenda of the 144th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which will be held this year, will be discussed at the meeting of the Executive Committee. In particular, the course of preparation for the 144th Assembly, the political project submitted by the IPU to the UN, the status of the implementation of the Transparency Report, the initial draft of the Communication Strategy for 2022-2026 will be considered.

    It should be noted that the Inter-Parliamentary Union was founded in 1889. Currently, the parliaments of 179 countries are members of this influential inter-parliamentary organization.

    The IPU works closely with the United Nations. The Inter-Parliamentary Union has been granted observer status in the UN General Assembly.

    Uzbekistan resumed membership in the Inter-Parliamentary Union in October 2017 and participated in 138-143 Assemblies of the IPU. In particular, at the 141st Assembly on October 18, 2019, Akmal Saidov from the Eurasian Group, which includes the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan, was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

    Press service of the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights.