Uzbekistan positively noted in the annual report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

    Global development 22 June 2021 1918

    Uzbekistan is noted in the annual report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) among the countries actively fulfilling their international obligations in the field of human rights within the framework of the UN treaty and statutory bodies, as well as constantly improving legislation and law enforcement practice.

    The 2020 report submitted to OHCHR publishes data on the results of the activities of the UN human rights bodies in the implementation of the strategic work plan of OHCHR, as well as provides information on the remaining challenges in the protection of human rights and freedoms. The report focuses on the negative impact of COVID-19 on the state of affairs in these areas.

    The report describes the issues of cooperation with Uzbekistan in the field of human rights in a positive way. The Republic is among the countries that are most often mentioned in connection with the achievements in the field of democratization, the fulfillment of its international obligations in the field of human rights within the framework of the treaty and statutory bodies of the UN, as well as the improvement of legislation and law enforcement practice.

    The High Commissioner praised the establishment in the Republic of the National Mechanism for the preparation of reports and implementation of the recommendations of the relevant UN institutions. The draft NGO Code, developed with the participation of OHCHR and representatives of civil society, is encouraged.

    As another significant result of Tashkent, the accreditation received by the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Oliy Majlis (Ombudsman) under the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANPI), as complying with the Paris Principles, is noted.

    It is reported that despite the pandemic, during the reporting period in our country, together with OHCHR, work continued to increase the capacity of relevant services. In particular, the training was completed by:

    • 200 national actors on access to justice during the period of quarantine measures;
    • 25 lawyers on the rights to liberty, a fair trial, freedom from torture, the use of international mechanisms for the protection of human rights and the application of international human rights law in national courts;
    • 400 representatives of the judiciary and law enforcement officials on the communications procedure of the Human Rights Committee;
    • 44 people in the field of human rights, monitoring and reporting of the activities of civil society organizations;
    • 180 people who took part in seminars on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the SDGs.

    It is also noted that, among the few countries, Uzbekistan, with the assistance of OHCHR, has prepared its interim report on the implementation of recommendations within the framework of the Universal Periodic Review mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council.

    It is emphasized that given the priority given to gender equality issues in Uzbekistan, the State Statistics Committee included the issue of discrimination against women in the 2020 Multiple Indicator Comprehensive Survey.

    Press Service of the National Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights.