Uzbekistan expands cooperation with Azerbaijani agro-industrial sector

    Agriculture 29 March 2023 1809

    The delegation of Uzbekistan visited Azerbaijan on March 21-28 to study the country's experience in the agricultural sector.

    The delegation included heads and representatives of the regional offices of the International Association of Women Entrepreneurs, the International Center for Strategic Development Studies in the Field of Food and Agriculture, as well as private farmers from Namangan, Ferghana regions and Tashkent city.

    The compatriots visited various regions of Azerbaijan and got acquainted with the country's successes in the field of agriculture, including hazelnut growing, viticulture, pomegranate growing, dried fruit production and others, the Dunyo news agency reports.

    Summing up the results of the trip, the members of the delegation were very pleased with their trip to Azerbaijan and expressed their readiness to make every effort to further build mutually beneficial ties between the two fraternal countries and peoples.