In 2021, 1 billion Internet offenses were recorded in the world

    Safety&Sequrity 7 April 2022 1554

    The Research Institute of Legal Policy under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the regional branch "Regional Dialogue", held a conference on cybersecurity.

    It was noted that in 2021 alone, about 1 billion offenses were recorded in the world and almost 60 million offenders were identified on the Internet.

    "The damage caused by crime in the field of digital technologies in 2015 amounted to $ 3 trillion, the forecast for 2025 is $10.5 trillion. This is 3.5 times more," is the forecast of experts.

    During the discussion, the participants focused on:

    • improving judicial practice in the investigation of cybercrimes and criminal cases;
    • features of computer-technical expertise of these crimes, violations of intellectual property rights in the field of telecommunications.

    The sides exchanged views on increasing the role of state bodies in ensuring information security, the importance of cooperation between ministries and departments in combating violations of legislation on the Internet.

    "The conference is devoted to a very relevant topic, which raises the issue of preventing and combating offenses in the field of digital technologies. In February, the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis adopted a law on cybersecurity. This law explains what cyberspace, security issues, cyber-attacks and similar terms are. In general, in this direction, we have developed a definition of legal within the framework of the law. Now at today's conference we are planning to introduce new norms in this area into our existing laws, the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Responsibility," said Foziljon Otakhonov, Director of the Institute of Legislative Problems and Parliamentary Studies at the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    As a result, proposals were developed to increase the role of artificial intelligence technologies in achieving information security, as well as specific tasks for the future in this area were identified.