The first Chevrolet will be released in Kyrgyzstan in May

    Transport 25 March 2024 1306

    The first car will roll off the assembly line of the Kyrgyz-Uzbek plant by the end of May. This was announced by the head of the Altyn Tulpar unaa Kurulush project Bahadyr Bahautdinov.

    According to him, at the first stage, the company will assemble vehicles with further localization, reports

    "The first car will be released before the end of May. We are planning to release it. These will be Chevrolet and Isuzu passenger cars," he said.

    In Kyrgyzstan, it is planned to develop a special program to stimulate sales at the Kyrgyz-Uzbek automobile plant.

    The authorities of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan agreed on the joint construction of a car enterprise in early 2023. But plans to launch the plant have been postponed several times, the latest current estimated dates point to the second quarter of this year. The company's capacities are designed so far to produce 10 thousand units per year.

    For reference: the company is located in the village of Ak-Suu in the Chui region of Kyrgyzstan on an area of 18 thousand square meters. Assembly is planned here with further localization of production. The new production has created more than 1,000 permanent jobs.