The International Forum of Musical Theaters will be held in Tashkent " "

    Culture & Arts 18 April 2022 1537

    From April 20 to April 23, 2022, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan is holding the I International Forum of Musical Theaters " ". The events will be held at the State Theater of Musical Comedy (Operetta) of Uzbekistan, as well as at the Turkiston Palace of Arts.

    Within the framework of the events, an official meeting of the leadership of the Ministry of Culture with foreign guests of the forum, the signing of memoranda on mutual bilateral cooperation in the field of culture and art of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation, master classes, Workshops, press conferences on the topic "Development of musical theater art of Uzbekistan and cooperation with foreign musical theaters" are planned.

    On April 23, the Turkiston Palace of Arts will host a Gala concert with the participation of the leading soloists of the Tashkent operetta and guests from Russia.