An "Explanatory dictionary of the system of continuing education" will be developed in Uzbekistan

    Education 29 March 2024 1510

    The Government adopted a resolution "On measures to improve the procedure for the development and implementation of State educational standards and state educational requirements" (No. 157 dated 08/27/2024).

    The Resolution approved the Regulation "On the procedure for the development and implementation of State educational standards and State educational requirements".

    By October 1, 2024, an "Explanatory Dictionary of the system of continuing education" will be developed, ensuring that the terms in the field of education correspond to internationally accepted terms.

    Also, when developing state educational standards, state educational requirements, curricula and programs, they are taken into account:

    • determining the competencies that should be formed by students at the end of the relevant stage of training, taking into account the requirements of the state, society and the labor market;
    • ensuring continuity and integrity of types of education, orientation of goals and objectives on learning effectiveness;
    • formation of students' responsibility for the preservation of the environment and the effective use of alternative energy sources.

    In order to ensure international recognition of educational outcomes, the types of education available in Uzbekistan are consistent with the levels of the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education.

    It will be launched by August 1, 2024 - A single open discussion portal of state educational standards and state educational requirements, according to the Ministry of Justice.