In Uzbekistan, persons who have committed crimes against children will be included in a special register

    Safety&Sequrity 22 November 2023 1879

    Uzbekistan has approved the Procedure for maintaining a register of persons who have committed sexual violence against minors. According to it, such persons are now strictly prohibited from working with children. This was announced by the chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Tanzila Narbayeva in her Telegram channel.

    In April of this year, the Law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the further improvement of the system of reliable protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of women and children" was adopted. On the basis of the document, a norm has been introduced into the legislation prohibiting persons who have committed harassment and violence against minors from working in educational, educational, children's health, sports and creative organizations and engaging in activities involving direct work with children.

    On November 17, a special Government decree approved the Procedure for maintaining a register of persons who have committed sexual violence against minors.

    "Now this register includes persons previously convicted of premeditated murder, assault on the honor of a minor, distribution of pornographic products depicting a minor, complicity in a crime involving a minor, organization or maintenance of brothels, terrorism, as well as other types of crimes. The register is formed and maintained through a special information system," the head of the upper chamber said.

    It is emphasized that the most important and noteworthy is that the processes related to the recruitment of persons included in this register are controlled on the basis of data obtained from this information system.

    "We are facing a number of other issues that are waiting to be resolved in this area. We pay special attention to further improving legislation, strengthening propaganda, and actively continuing our work in this direction," Tanzila Narbayeva said.

    It is added that reliable protection of the rights of women and children will remain a priority for the Senate in the future.