The concept of cluster policy has been developed in Uzbekistan

    In focus 10 May 2023 1072

    The draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On the unified concept of "cluster" and "cluster policy" in the Republic of Uzbekistan" has been submitted for discussion.

    The project assumes the approval of the concept, which provides:

    • promoting the institutional development of the cluster;
    • strategic planning of cluster development;
    • development of mechanisms to support projects aimed at the development of competition and interaction of enterprises;
    • creating favorable conditions for the development of clusters, including by providing tax incentives and reducing administrative barriers.
    • The concept reflects the goals, objectives, functions and basic principles of cluster policy, lists the problems of cluster development, provides positive experience of foreign countries in this direction and indicates the expected results.

    The project can be changed, supplemented or rejected, reports "Norma".