Energy saving proposals considered

    Uzbekistan 31 October 2022 8806

    On October 31, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of proposals for the efficient use of energy resources.

    The Head of the state gave a corresponding instruction on preparations for the autumn-winter season a week ago. Based on this, measures have been developed to save fuel and energy resources and provide them with a balanced supply in the autumn-winter period.

    As is known, the need for energy is growing more and more as the sectors of the economy develop and the standard of living rises. Over the past five years, electricity consumption in Uzbekistan has increased by 20 percent, including consumption by the population by 31 percent. This figure is growing at 6 percent per year.

    Therefore, energy production is consistently developing, hydroelectric power stations, solar and wind power stations are being built. At the same time, the accounting system for electricity and natural gas consumption has been streamlined. Another important task is to carefully and responsibly use these resources.

    At the event, responsible persons presented relevant proposals. In particular, it was noted that by optimizing the workflow at industrial enterprises, modernizing energy production technology, updating and repairing boiler houses, and introducing renewable energy sources, gas and electricity consumption can be reduced by up to 10 percent.

    The Head of the state emphasized that this issue is becoming more and more urgent every year, so it is necessary to learn how to save energy in all industries and regions. Ultimately, this will serve to an uninterrupted and stable energy supply to the population.

    There is a shortage of energy resources in the world. Therefore, measures are being taken in many countries to regulate energy consumption and heating temperature in homes.

    A positive experience is applied in Uzbekistan. For example, 50,000 kilowatt-hours or 14 percent of electricity is saved per week due to the rational use of street lighting in Namangan and Syrdarya regions.

    In this regard, the responsible persons were tasked with finding additional opportunities to save energy by going to the regions.

    The importance of increasing energy efficiency in social institutions and expanding the use of solar panels was emphasized.

    Tasks have been defined to strengthen the powers of the Control Inspection in Electricity and the Inspection for control over the use of oil products and gas under the Ministry of Energy, to take effective measures against violations of the law in these sectors.