Mar 22, 2025

    Prosecutor General's Office: almost 765 thousand fictitious jobs have been identified in Uzbekistan

    In focus 12 September 2024 1478

    In the first seven months of 2024, the Prosecutor General's Office of Uzbekistan conducted a number of activities aimed at combating corruption, supporting entrepreneurship and ensuring law and order.

    In the field of employment, 764,700 fictitious jobs were identified, reflected in reports on employment programs.

    In the field of finance, 52 criminal cases have been initiated on the facts of embezzlement of funds intended for the payment of salaries and pensions, totaling 4.2 billion soums.

    In the field of entrepreneurship, the Prosecutor's Office provided support to 15,600 entrepreneurs and investors in obtaining loans, land plots, permits and licenses. Thanks to these measures, the activities of 5,755 companies were restored, which allowed saving more than 7 thousand jobs.

    In the field of law enforcement, 11,400 crimes were solved and about 4,500 people who were wanted were detained.

    The Prosecutor's office contributed to the recovery of 9.2 trillion soums of debts, including 455 billion soums of debts owed by the population to management companies, 319 billion soums to heat supply enterprises and 1.7 trillion soums to water supply organizations.

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