The task is set to create a compact and efficient management system

    Uzbekistan 4 August 2022 6862

    On August 4, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on reforming the civil service and improving management efficiency.

    This is a logical continuation of the administrative reform carried out in recent years. Thanks to the course conducted by the President, civil servants have become much closer to citizens. Systems of dialogue with the people, distribution of part of the budget funds based on the initiatives of the population, work in the context of mahallas have been established. Appropriate conditions have been created for the effective work of civil servants.

    In his speech at the joint meeting of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis, the Head of the state noted that “the next important task is to create a compact and efficient management system focused on the needs of citizens by transforming the central agencies”.

    State civil service employs 118 thousand people. However, the civil service has not yet become a system that meets the expectations of people.

    For example, last year the People’s Reception Offices received 25,000 complaints about the incompetence and irresponsibility of employees of ministries and agencies, 7,000 complaints about their lack of communication culture.

    Some officials do not cope with their duties due to the lack of a comprehensive system for identifying competencies, training and improving performance. In general, the lack of a system for selecting, training and motivating the leadership remains one of the main reasons for the poor quality of management.

    The Law “On the State Civil Service” was prepared after a two-year development with the involvement of domestic and foreign experts, based on a comprehensive discussion.

    The priority tasks facing the state bodies based on the requirements of this law were defined at the meeting.

    First of all, an open and transparent system of recruitment to state bodies will be introduced. To do this, by the end of the year, all vacant positions will be posted on a single open electronic platform. The requirement to provide 16 documents for participation in the competition for a vacant position will be canceled. All processes will be transferred to electronic form. The knowledge, experience and potential of the candidate will be evaluated in an open competition.

    This system was tested on an experimental basis in Samarkand region and the State Tax Committee. At the meeting, responsible persons spoke about the results of the experiment. It was noted that each ministry and hokimiyat should start the selection of personnel from higher education institutions.

    A program for the selection of young specialists will be announced to establish systematic work in this direction. Talented graduate students will be selected within the framework of the program. They will undergo an internship in the system of ministries and hokimiyats, and after training, they will be hired. The program will also cover young people studying abroad.

    As the analysis showed, 40 percent of the heads of the central offices of the ministries did not work at the district level, and 60 percent of the heads of the district level have no experience of working in the regional or republican agencies.

    Therefore, the President emphasized the need for paying special attention to the promotion of personnel in the service on the principle of “from mahalla to the republican level”.

    From November 1, the old-style CV will be canceled and a system for assessing the qualifications and achievements of an employee based on advanced technologies will be used. No one can take a leadership position by chance.

    A reserve of potential personnel for leadership positions at the district and city levels will also be created, which will be replenished from among the assistants to hokims and youth leaders in mahallas. Depending on their competence, targeted qualification courses will be organized for them.

    The Civil Service Development Agency, the Agency for Youth Affairs were tasked with implementing the “100 Advanced Leaders” program together with the Vatandoshlar Foundation. Within the framework of this program, 100 promising young personnel will be selected every two years from among civil servants, active entrepreneurs and compatriots abroad.

    As is known, the principle of “person – society – state” in Uzbekistan is the priority. Measures are being taken to make people feel comfortable in all areas. In particular, it has become much easier to obtain licenses, order services, submit documents to various authorities, and use payment systems.

    But many areas remain bureaucratized. For example, to receive a subsidy, conclusions are required from an average of 10 ministries and agencies. Connecting to electric networks is associated with extra costs and paperwork. In medicine, it is not clear to citizens which service is free or paid, there is no clear system for calculating and delivering medicines from the state. Many processes are inconvenient for the population and entrepreneurs in construction, transport, communal services, standardization and quarantine.

    Therefore, the Prime Minister was instructed to make service processes in each ministry and hokimiyat understandable and convenient, to reduce unnecessary costs and documents.

    “The main requirement is the satisfaction of people”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

    There is a growing desire among our people for active participation in the development of the country, the improvement of the mahalla. For example, thanks to the Open Budget portal, civil initiatives are brought to life. In the first half of this year, more than 2,000 such projects were launched. Most importantly, people are aware of their involvement in them and carefully use the built infrastructure.

    It is planned to allocate another 1 trillion UZS for such projects in the next six months. Therefore, responsible persons have been tasked with expanding the scope of initiative budgeting.

    As the private sector grows in the economy, the need for skilled labor increases. In this competitive market, civil service must also be attractive.

    Therefore, the President emphasized that guarantees for the activities of civil servants would also be strengthened.

    Next year it is planned to introduce a system of incentives depending on the experience, qualifications and results of the employee. Their life and health will be insured by the state. Civil servants who honestly and conscientiously fulfill their duties will be guaranteed decent life in old age.

    The issue of training and advanced training of civil servants was also considered.

    So far, only 20 percent of civil servants have undergone advanced training. The quality of education does not meet the requirements.

    In this regard, the importance of creating joint educational programs with foreign training centers was noted. Instructions were given to review the activities of 110 training centers in the system of ministries, update curricula and methods, and involve qualified specialists in training.

    Reports of the Prime Minister and his deputies, heads of industries and regions, foreign partners were heard.