Uzbekistan's agricultural clusters attract investments from Chinese investors

    Agriculture 18 May 2023 2640

    At the Uzbek-Chinese business forum in Xi'an, China, representatives of agricultural enterprises operating in our country hold a number of presentations, meetings and negotiations.

    According to the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture, representatives of clusters, farms and business circles operating in Uzbekistan are dissatisfied with participation in the Uzbek-Chinese business forum. They make presentations reflecting the potential of Uzbekistan's agriculture at B2B and G2B meetings organized within the framework of the forum.

    At meetings with representatives of Chinese government agencies and business circles, from providing agriculture with modern equipment and the latest agricultural technologies, to seed production, growing organic products, processing agricultural products, large-scale issues involving various areas are being resolved. studied.

    It should be noted that the Chinese side is very interested in cotton and grain clusters, fruit and vegetable farms of Uzbekistan. A significant part of the forum participants came to meet them. This ensures the expansion and diversification of investments in agriculture. This is evidenced by the mood of today's forum.