The mahalla, specializing in the service and trade sectors, is home to 4,000 residents. Under the new employment system, and with the active involvement of banks, the mahalla is making effective use of its internal resources. Last year, nearly 100 residents found jobs, 256 became self-employed, and 13 launched their businesses. Two manufacturing enterprises and dozens of trade and service outlets provide convenience for the local community.
The Head of state inspected the activities of these enterprises.
The mahalla features well-maintained streets, tidy homes, educational and medical institutions, sports facilities, training centers, an amphitheater, and a handicraft and library information center. The senior citizens’ center is vivacious at this time.
The President participated in the Sumalak celebration, engaging warmly with mahalla residents and senior community members. During the conversation, discussions focused on plans for the current year, including ensuring peace and stability, supporting entrepreneurship, and creating new jobs.
“I am glad to see your mahalla so well-maintained and people in good spirits. Over time, we will expand opportunities in all districts. The most important thing is to maintain peace and unity. Remember what the situation was like at our borders in the past? We address all issues thoughtfully, with political will. Thanks to the organization of work at the local level, we have a clear picture of what is happening in 10,000 mahallas. Through the 'Mahalla of Seven' system, assistance reaches every home. We still have a lot of work ahead in increasing incomes, reducing poverty, and supporting youth policy. That is why we are strengthening our focus on education, especially girls’ schooling. A society where young people are educated and spiritually developed will undoubtedly achieve prosperity”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized.
In Rohat mahalla, young residents receive a quality education at a general education school, a children’s music and art school, the “Barkamol Avlod” center, and an academic lyceum. The construction of a new preschool has recently been completed, opening up new opportunities for early childhood development.