Uzbekistan - Afghanistan - Pakistan: final stage of negotiations

    Transport 18 July 2023 1884

    Currently, the delegation of Uzbekistan Temir Yullari JSC, together with the railway administration of Pakistan and Afghanistan, are conducting the final stage of negotiations on the Trans-Afghan railway line.

    This project, which is of great importance for the region, is a key element in strengthening economic ties between Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    The Trans-Afghan Railway line is a large-scale project that will open up new prospects for transport cooperation and development in the region. It will allow to establish a direct railway connection between Uzbekistan and Pakistan through the territory of Afghanistan, providing more efficient trade and logistics.

    During the ongoing negotiations, the delegations discuss various aspects of the project, including mechanisms for attracting financing, construction, technical details and deadlines for implementation. All three parties show high interest and readiness for mutually beneficial cooperation. They strive to find optimal solutions that will allow the successful implementation of this important project.

    This project also contributes to strengthening political and economic ties between Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. It opens the door for closer cooperation, exchange of experience and resources, as well as expansion of the sphere of interaction between the countries of the region.