Uzbekistan - Egypt: interparliamentary cooperation will develop at a new stage

    On May 30, 2024, the Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Tanzila Narbayeva, held talks with the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Abdulvahab Abdulrozik, who arrived in our country on a working visit.

    During the meeting, promising areas of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Egypt were discussed, including issues of expanding trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian, tourism and inter-parliamentary cooperation.

    It was emphasized that by the end of 2023, the volume of mutual trade between the countries increased by 50% compared to last year. It is noted that the opportunities in this direction are not being fully used. In this regard, a common opinion was expressed on further strengthening ties between entrepreneurs of the two countries and improving performance by fully utilizing the existing potential.

    The parties noted the need to implement mutually beneficial projects in the fields of science, education, art and religious education, based on confessional community, similarity of traditions and customs.

    During the dialogue, attention was paid to practical aspects of interparliamentary relations, in particular, cooperation between the Senates of the two states. The importance of creating a system of constant dialogue and exchange of experience between committees and offices of the upper chambers of parliaments was noted.

    In addition, an agreement was reached on the establishment of systematic parliamentary control over the implementation of high-level agreements reached between the leaders of the two countries.

    An initiative has been put forward to create friendship groups in the Senates of Egypt and Uzbekistan, to establish an exchange of experience between territorial representative bodies, which are an important link of the institute of people's representation.

    After the negotiations, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Senate of the Arab Republic of Egypt, aimed at legally consolidating cooperation.

    Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Arab Republic of Egypt Abdulvahab Abdulrozik left an entry in the Book of Honorary Guests of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.