Uzbekistan - Italy: prospects of cooperation on sesame cultivation discussed

    Agriculture 4 August 2023 1911

    Minister of Agriculture Aziz Voitov met with representatives of the Italian company "Enis.p.A." headed by Director of Public Relations Lapo Pistelli.

    During the consultations, it was noted that in recent years cooperation between Uzbekistan and Italy has reached a qualitatively new level, including in the field of agriculture, and whose contacts are equally beneficial for both sides.

    Minister Aziz Voitov noted that multilateral relations between Tashkent and Rome are developing dynamically, multi-vector cooperation is taking practical shape, and in recent years Uzbekistan's ties have significantly intensified not only with the country from the Appennine Peninsula, but also with all the states of the European Union. The parties discussed prospects in terms of growing and processing sesame seeds in our country.

    During the dialogue, it was stressed that there are opportunities for growing this annual crop in irrigated areas of the republic, using it as an additive to food, medicines, hair and skin care products, as well as in industry as a component of lubricants and biodiesel.

    At the end of the meeting, an agreement was reached to work out the issues of sesame cultivation and processing and explore the possibilities of jointly launching new projects.

    For reference: Eni S.p.A. is the largest oil and gas company in Italy, founded in 1953. The headquarters is located in Rome. The main production territories are Africa, Russia and Kazakhstan, the main sales market is Italy and other European countries. The company's assets for 2022 amounted to 152 billion euros. Also, as of 2022, the turnover of funds exceeded 132 billion euros.