The Senate of the Oliy Majlis discussed the implementation of the Strategy for Achieving Gender Equality

    In focus 13 September 2023 1820

    A regular meeting of the Kengash of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held. The members of the Kengash discussed the implementation of the Program of Comprehensive Measures for the implementation in 2023 of the Strategy for Achieving Gender Equality in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030.

    It was noted that in the first half of this year, relevant work was carried out to implement this Program.

    As noted, in order to increase the political and social activity of women, prepare them for leadership positions, develop science and improve the qualifications of women, a training course on the topic "Step to PhD" with the participation of women scientists, as well as an educational exchange program "The Future: community of scientific girls".

    Training courses have been introduced to retrain senior personnel and strengthen their qualification capacity on human rights and gender equality issues.

    The Centers for the Rehabilitation and Adaptation of women in labor collectives organized short-term training seminars on the types of violence and their prevention, covered more than 2 thousand participants.

    At the meeting, the senators critically discussed shortcomings in ensuring the fulfillment of the tasks set within the framework of the Strategy for Achieving Gender Equality.

    Thus, it was noted that the task of developing a special program including rehabilitation measures to change the behavior of perpetrators of violence has not been completed.

    It was criticized that insufficient attention was paid to attracting female candidates from the National Personnel Reserve to the announced contests of candidates for supervisory boards of enterprises with the participation of the state.

    The senators also stressed the need to intensify the activities of advisory councils to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men in State bodies and organizations, regional enterprises, organizations and institutions.

    Kengash called on the relevant institutions and organizations to responsibly approach the issues of timely and high-quality fulfillment of tasks within the framework of the Program of Comprehensive Measures for the Implementation of the Strategy for Achieving Gender Equality in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 in 2023.

    Following the discussions on these issues, a corresponding resolution of the Kengash of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis was adopted.