In Uzbekistan, you can register to participate in youth events online

    Generation Z 19 December 2023 4028

    Resolution No. 667 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 12/18/2023 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for developing and approving the annual calendar plan of youth events" was adopted.

    Since January 1, 2024, youth festivals, forums, projects, contests and other cultural and educational events held by government agencies and organizations are planned to be held on the basis of an annual calendar of youth events.

    The document approved the Regulation on the procedure for the development and approval of the annual calendar of youth events. It provides for the following procedures:

    • organization and holding of youth festivals, forums, projects, contests and cultural and educational events;
    • formation and approval of the annual calendar plan of youth events;
    • financing of the activities provided for in the calendar plan.

    The calendar plan is developed annually until the end of December by the Agency for Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports on the basis of proposals from government agencies and organizations.

    Information about events held within the framework of the calendar plan, as well as registration of participants, will be posted electronically on the portal .

    The document was published in the National Database of Legislation in the state language and entered into force on 12/18/2023, Norma reports.