Президенти Ӯзбекистон густариши ҳамкории байнипарлумониро бо Русия ҷонибдорӣ кард
Президенти Ҷумҳурии Ӯзбекистон Шавкат Мирзиёев 14 март Раиси Думаи Давлатии Маҷлиси Федералии Федератсияи Русия Вячеслав Володинро ба ҳузур пазируфт.
Starting from March 11, 2025, a temporary ban on fishing in a number of rivers and reservoirs will come into force in Uzbekistan. The restrictions were introduced in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 627 "On Hunting and Hunting Management" and Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 80, adopted on February 9, 2024.
A joint resolution was adopted by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Central Bank and the Ministry of Transport "On Amendments to paragraph 6 of the Regulation on the Procedure for Customs Control and Clearance of Hand Luggage, Baggage, Currency and Currency Valuables of Railway Passengers" (reg. No. 3233-2 dated 12.03.2025).
Warm and dry weather will remain in Uzbekistan over the weekend. The prevailing air temperature is 4-9 degrees Celsius at night, 17-22 degrees Celsius during the day, and up to 25 degrees Celsius in the south and desert zone. The east wind is 7-12 m/s.