The Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis in New York held talks with the director of the UN Women structure

    International cooperation 15 March 2024 1172

    Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis, Chairman of the Republican Commission on Enhancing the Role of Women in Society, Gender Equality and the Family Tanzila Narbayeva met with the Director of the UN Women structure Sima Sami Bacchus.

    Issues such as strengthening cooperation between Uzbekistan and UN Women, in particular, further intensification of the activities of this organization in our country, joint implementation of promising projects in the field of gender equality, were discussed.

    It was noted that in recent years, systematic work has been carried out in Uzbekistan to achieve gender equality, ensure the rights and interests of women, and create equal opportunities for them, and in this the UN recommendations play an important role.

    It was emphasized that the Strategy for Achieving Gender Equality in the Republic of Uzbekistan is in line with the strategic plan of the UN Women Structure for 2022-2025 to achieve gender equality and empower women around the world.

    Sima Sami Bacchus noted that UN Women considers Uzbekistan as a key partner in the region and is ready to actively cooperate in large-scale transformations and the implementation of the SDGs in the country. Taking into account the significant role of Tashkent in the issues of women's participation in ensuring peace and security, interest was expressed in expanding cooperation with Uzbekistan within the framework of the Dialogue of Women Leaders of Central Asian countries.

    "Given the significant progress Uzbekistan has made in ensuring gender equality, we consider your country as a bridge that could play a connecting role in developing gender issues among the countries of the region," Sima Sami Bacchus said.

    At the end of the conversation, an agreement was reached on further strengthening Uzbekistan's cooperation with UN Women through the implementation of practical projects.