The law introduces amendments and additions to the Labor Code, which provide for the introduction of the procedure for registration of employment contracts in electronic form in the interdepartmental software and hardware complex "Unified National Labor System", changes in the procedure for determining the duration of unpaid leave, and the procedure for calculating the average salary of an employee.
The Law "On Education" is also being amended to specify the types of educational organizations where employees can study in the evening or by correspondence.
In addition, a ban is imposed on the dismissal of an employee due to pregnancy or the presence of a child.
According to the amendments, government agencies and organizations will independently request information about the passport or identity card, employment record of a person applying for employment, including through the use of interdepartmental integration platforms in information systems.
It is determined that the labor legislation regarding the employment relations of state civil servants will be applied in the part not regulated by the Law "On State Civil Service".
The law comes into force on the day of its official publication, according to the Ministry of Justice.