In the second quarter, it is planned to develop 8.12 billion dollars of foreign investments in Uzbekistan

    Investments 21 May 2024 2253

    Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 286 dated 05/16/2024 "On measures to implement the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the second quarter of 2024" was adopted.

    In accordance with the targets for the development of industries and regions, in the second quarter of 2024, foreign investments in the amount of $8.12 billion will be mastered, including direct investments and loans - $7.27 billion, foreign loans under state guarantee - $853.8 million.

    The document is approved:

    • Targets for the development of foreign investments by industries and regions in the second quarter of 2024;
    • Consolidated targeted program for the development of investments and loans in the second quarter of 2024;
    • The address list of large production facilities and capacities put into operation in the second quarter of 2024;
    • An address list of investment projects implemented with the involvement of foreign loans on behalf of the Republic of Uzbekistan or under a state guarantee;
    • An address list of investment projects implemented with the involvement of foreign direct investment and loans.
    • The document was published in the National Database of Legislation in the state language and entered into force on 05/20/2024, Norma reports.